Men's rings "Save and Save"

  1. Peculiarities
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Do I need to sanctify?
  5. What finger are they worn on?

When choosing rings, many men prefer the option with the inscription "Save and Preserve". Such decorations symbolize the Orthodox faith, they are often decorated with biblical quotes. There is an opinion that a ring decorated with an excerpt from a prayer serves as a talisman. Historical information says that the first accessories with the inscription "Save and Save" appeared in the 19th century. And they were worn not only by aristocrats, but also by representatives of the lower classes.

A variety of materials were used to make amulets rings, but in most cases, jewelry was made of iron. Pilgrims wore silver rings, it was believed that they protect from evil.


Men's rings decorated with the phrase "Save and Preserve" have not gone out of fashion for many years. They perform not only a decorative, but also a protective function. The most significant are considered accessories that have a religious basis. Rings with an appeal to the Almighty also belong to this category. The phrase "Save and Preserve" is not just words, it contains a deep meaning. Many believe that such attributes protect their owners from evil spirits and troubles. This is a personal talisman that must be cherished. Such jewelry can be passed down from one generation to the next.

They can be gifted. Theft of religious jewelry is prohibited... It is unacceptable to wear a ring on the finger that belonged to a deceased person who died in an accident. The phrase on the decoration is a strong message to the Universe. Such accessories protect not only from evil, but also from bad thoughts. Products from this series provide reliable protection from the outside world, get rid of sinful thoughts. They become a kind of "mentor" on the path of life, indicate the right path, and save one from committing sins. Church ministers equate these rings with icons and crosses worn on the body. Jewelry has tremendous spiritual power.


Various types of rings are on sale - from affordable materials and precious metals. There are models additionally decorated with stones. The male versions differ from the female ones in massiveness. Rings with the phrase "Save and Save" allowed to be worn by all Orthodox. They protect from mental anguish, do not give to doubt their own faith. When choosing such a decoration, be guided by an individual attitude towards the Lord and religion. If you need protection from evil and the evil eye, you should purchase a silver item. This material well neutralizes various negativity, helps to cope with human envy.

Gold rings "Save and Preserve" are often decorated with inlay... The presence of stones does not affect the energy of the rings in any way. Painted items look impressive, but do not forget that excessive luxury is interpreted as an indicator of pride. It is for this reason that the church recommends giving preference to products from more budgetary materials. The effect of prayer will be identical, regardless of whether it is applied to iron or gold.

A properly selected accessory will protect its owner from bad thoughts and actions, activate his internal resources and capabilities, thereby ensuring prosperity.

Materials (edit)

The first rings of religious significance were made from a variety of materials at hand. For example, novices at monasteries made seals from wood and metal wire. In modern jewelry stores, the assortment of jewelry is quite diverse.

The inscriptions on the rings are found in various variations, the most popular is “Lord, Save and Preserve”. The lineup includes, among other things, expensive jewelry made of gold. Silver accessories look beautiful - this material has long been used to create jewelry.

Silver is a noble metal that attracts attention with a presentable look, endowed with healing powers. Silver rings have the ability to strengthen the immune system. Silver ions have a positive effect on the digestive system and respiratory organs. This metal protects the body from adverse environmental influences. Silver cleans the aura, eliminates negative energy.

Do I need to sanctify?

The ring "Save and Preserve" cannot be attributed to ordinary jewelry. It has a special function, an individual purpose. Such an accessory is very significant for the person wearing it. If the product is not consecrated in a temple, it will be a simple decoration that does not have any divine power. Some wear rings adorned with the phrase "Save and Preserve" just as a fashion statement. This is a personal matter for everyone. A truly religious person will surely illuminate the decoration in the church. But if you follow all the rules and regulations, rings of this type must be purchased in church shops.

If you light the ring on all the cannes, it will become a personal amulet. It will provide protection from various troubles and troubles, and will gain great strength. It is believed that faith can work miracles. Elderly people and parishioners are sure of this. Having confidence in the strength of your talisman will not allow you to go astray, will help in overcoming the obstacles that arise.

What finger are they worn on?

On which hand should a man wear the "Save and Preserve" ring. Much depends on whether a person is a believer or not. If the ring is perceived as a simple piece of jewelry and does not symbolize anything for its owner, it can be worn on either finger. Believers should follow certain rules. In such cases, it is recommended to wear a prayer ring. on the right hand, on the thumb, index or middle finger. To explain this prescription is simple - in Orthodoxy it is customary to baptize with the right hand, putting the indicated fingers together.

A crowned man can decorate his ring finger with such a ring, complement his wedding. In order for the ring to gain great strength, it is recommended to consecrate it in the temple. In difficult times, you can turn to the illuminated decoration for help, it will certainly help in overcoming a difficult situation.

In general, the church does not establish a clear framework governing the wearing of a prayer ring. All clergymen say that the finger on which the jewelry is worn is not the main thing, the main thing is the meaning contained in the talisman, the presence of faith. The ring itself will help a real Christian, provided that respect for God lives in his soul. It must be remembered that religious jewelry does not tolerate neglect, it is not a magnet attracting good luck - it is a ritual object in Orthodoxy.

Prayer rings are jewelry with an ancient history. A man who decides to buy such a piece of jewelry should consider whether he is worthy of it. Wearing such rings is an indicator of faith and reverence for the Lord.

For information on how to properly wear the "Save and Preserve" ring, see the next video.

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