All about Chicago style for men

  1. Peculiarities
  2. How do I create an image?
  3. Stylish examples

The Chicago style originated in the 1920s and 1930s. At that time, real gangsters were gaining popularity, who now and then fired from their machine guns on the streets of the city. Luxury, chic, brilliance are synonymous with the era of the gangster Chicago style. Even if often all this was pomp and fake, but from the outside everything looked really expensive. The women were dressed in fabulous furs, feathers, and jewelry. But the men did not lag behind and were unusually stylish. We offer to dive deeper into the images of the mysterious and attractive men of the 30s.


The style, which got its name from the name of the ancestor city of Chicago, formed during Prohibition in the United States... At that time, an incredible number of clandestine establishments appeared in which they drank alcoholic beverages. Frequent guests of such places were those very gangsters who knew a lot not only about breaking the law, but also about clothes. Having seen enough of them, the regulars of establishments began to slowly change their wardrobe.

The features of men's clothing style were wide-brimmed hats, suspenders, loose trousers and vests. The suit fabric had to be expensive, shiny, so that everyone would understand the cost of such a suit and assess the condition of the wallet of its owner. But ordinary people did not have such funds as the rich gangsters had. That's why, to be like these lawbreakers, ordinary citizens opted for cheaper material.

Among men, a bow tie was a popular attribute, which came to the aid of a strict tie. The boots were supposed to be round-toed and the shirt was freshly ironed white. Gangsters have always been distinguished by exquisite accuracy, so their image was perfect. It was possible to distinguish an ordinary person from a real gangster due to flaws in clothing and some negligence.

Men have always had accessories. One of these accessories can be safely called a cigar. Indeed, in those days, smoking was at the height of fashion, and smoking cigars was considered something incredible. And also the style of Chicago assumed the presence of a hat, which had to be combined in color with the suit.

If the colors were different, then they got out of the situation very simply. Around the circle of the hat, a ribbon was attached, exactly repeating the color or pattern of the fabric of the suit.

How do I create an image?

Nowadays, people walk the street in any manner. But you rarely see gangsters on the streets of cities, dressed with a needle and holding their bright, fur-clad lady by the arm. Rather, you will find such people in restaurants and clubs, as parties in style Chicago is # 1 themed... Preparing the image of a man for such a party should be no less thorough than that of a woman.

What should you pay attention to when creating a reliable image? First of all costume... The most popular is a three-piece suit in black or gray. In general, the main range of colors for the embodiment of the male image of the Chicago gangster is black, gray, brown, white. Only a small accessory such as a butterfly, a stripe on a hat or a satin shawl can be bright. The only popular bright color is red.

And also a man needs to not forget about hairstyle... It must be perfectly executed with varnish or gel. It can be slicked back or hair styled slightly to one side, with a playfully sticking out strand.

One of the common attributes of a gangster was mustache... But they weren't thick and sweeping. On the contrary, they were located exactly above the upper lip and had different shapes. To create an image, if you don't have your own mustache, you can draw them with a black pencil. This is easy to do and easy to wash off.

The props that will give a man brutality is weapon... You can skillfully hide a pistol in a holster under a jacket, or you can take in your hand a model of a Thompson assault rifle, so popular in those years. Toy guns are also great photography items.

When creating the perfect look, it is important not to forget about shoes... It is advisable to find patent leather boots with round toes and lacing. Patent leather shoes can be replaced with matte shoes, but sneakers, sneakers and so on are absolutely inappropriate.

Remember that the image of a gangster carries high taste and chic.

Stylish examples

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of examples of the appearance of a gangster of the 30s, both modern imitators and real ones. Below are some interesting options, looking at the image of which you can learn something for yourself.

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